C-arm下做PTA幾乎是目前治療透析通路的主流,但......顯影劑過敏、腎功能不佳者都會讓醫師在打顯影劑時有所顧忌,因此這堂課將由來自日本的春口洋昭醫師,以他相當豐富的超音波導引治療經驗不藏私分享。 The use of C-arm to perform PTA is almost the mainstream in the treatment of dialysis access, but those patients with an allergy to the contrast agent and poor renal function will make the doctors have some scruples when they injected the contrast agent. Therefore, Therefore, Dr. Hiroaki Haruguchi from Japan will share his profound experience in ultrasound-guided treatment. The usefulness of ultrasound for vascular access management, and ultrasound guided intervention therapy for vascular access stenosis and obstruction 超聲波在透析通路的使用,以及在超音波導引下血管狹窄與阻塞的介入治療 講者介紹Speaker introduction 姓名:春口洋昭 國籍:日本 科別:血管外科醫師 臨床專長:透析通路治療、血液透析 經歷:飯田橋春口診所院長、東京女子醫科大學腎臟外科兼職講師、日本透析醫學會理事、日本外科學會認證外科醫生 Name: Hiroaki Haruguchi Nationality: Japan Medical Category: Vascular access surgeon Clinical specialty: Dialysis access treatment, Hemodialysis Experience: Director of Haruguchi vascular access clinic Part-time Lecturer, Department of Nephrology Surgery, Tokyo Women's Medical University Councilor of Japan Dialysis Medical Association Certified surgeon of the Japanese Surgical Society 內容 Content
過去一般認為C-arm下做PTA可以更安全,但隨著放射線風險疑慮及顯影劑過敏人數有逐漸上升趨勢。而自2008年開始春口洋昭醫師開始使用超音波導引做PTA,在技術精進經驗累積加上儀器的進步,目前已有超過95%是在超音波導引下完成的手術!究竟是怎麼做到的,千萬別錯過了。 In the past, it was generally considered that the use of C-arm to perform PTA can be safer. However, as radiation risk doubts and the number of an allergic to contrast agent is gradually increasing. Since 2008, Dr. Hiroaki Haruguchi has begun to use ultrasound-guided to perform PTA. With technical advancement and accumulation of experience plus the advancement of the instrument, there are more than 95% of the operations have been completed under the ultrasound-guided! How did he do it? Don’t miss it. 讓我們一起來看看 春口洋昭醫師 當天精彩演講片段 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7MKCl3KA7s
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作者TAVAH 封存檔
十二月 2024
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