Treatment of PD infection and complications 腹膜透析感染與併發症治療 腹膜透析是除了血液透析外最多人使用的透析方式,對於腹膜透析患者來說最擔心的莫過於感染,一旦發生感染往往就無法繼續使用腹膜透析,嚴重甚至產生腹膜炎威脅患者生命, Dr. Lo Man Wai在處理腹膜透析感染上有相當豐富的經驗,你千萬別錯過了。 Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is the most used dialysis method except hemodialysis. PD patients most worried about infection. Once an infection occurs, peritoneal dialysis cannot be continued. In severe cases, peritonitis may threaten the patient’s life. Dr. Lo Man Wai has profound experience in treat PD infections. Don't miss it ![]() 講者介紹Speaker introduction 姓名:Lo Man Wai 國籍:香港 科別:內科及老人科 醫院:廣華醫院 臨床專長:血液透析、血管超音波、腹膜透析 經歷:廣華醫院PACES培訓計劃的協調員和導師、香港中文大學醫學院榮譽副教授、香港醫務委員會臨床考試執照之考官、《臨床風濕免疫學雜誌》審稿人 Name:Lo Man Wai Nationality:Hong Kong Medical Category:Department of Medicine and Geriatrics Hospital:Department of Medicine and Geriatrics, Kwong Wah Hospital Clinical specialty:Dialysis access, Vascular ultrasonography, Peritoneal dialysis Experience: Coordinator and tutor of PACES training program of Kwong Wah Hospital Honorary clinical associate professor of the Chinese University of Hong Kong medical school Examiner of clinical examination of Licensing Examination of the Medical Council of Hong Kong Reviewer of Journal of Clinical Rheumatology and Immunology 內容 Content
Dr. Lo Man Wai這堂課程主要分享腹膜炎、腹膜管路及出口的感染,如何在臨床判斷和檢驗找出感染,而腹膜炎又分為真菌腹膜炎和微生物腹膜炎,如何找出正確的方向並給予適合的藥物或外科手術處理,每個細節與技巧內容全部都在影片中。 This course mainly shares the following experiences:
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作者TAVAH 封存檔
十二月 2024
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