Endovascular correction of dialysis access steal syndrome 竊血症候群的血管介入改善 竊血症候群的發生往往對透析患者的生活品質造成嚴重影響,除了會有麻刺痛感,嚴重甚至會造成末梢手指出現潰瘍傷口或壞死,因此了解疾病的發生、診斷的標準到治療方式是相當重要的,這堂課程將介紹使用血管介入方式改善竊血症候群問題。 Dialysis patients will have a serious impact on the quality of life once the thief syndrome occurs. In addition to the tingling sensation, it may even cause ulcers or necrosis of the peripheral fingers. Therefore, it is very important to understand the occurrence, diagnosis, and treatment methods of diseases. This course will introduce the use of vascular intervention to improve the problem of steal syndrome. ✅講者介紹Speaker introduction 姓名: Veera Suwanruangsri 國籍:泰國 科別: 外科、血管和血管內科 醫院: Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital 臨床專長: 開放式修復腹主動脈瘤、周邊血管疾病的繞道手術、血管通路、血管腔內主動脈瘤修復、周邊血管介入 經歷: Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital腫瘤外科 Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital血管與血管內科 Name: Veera Suwanruangsri Nationality: Thailand Medical Category: Department of Surgery, Vascular and Endovascular Unit Hospital: Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital Clinical specialty: Open repair of AAA, Bypass operations for PAD, Vascular access operations, EVAR, Peripheral intervention Experience: Surgical Oncology, Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital -- ✅內容 Content Dr. Veera Suwanruangsri這堂課程主要分享臨床上使用血管介入方式改善竊血症候群,竊血症候群的主要危險因子:糖尿病、下肢動脈阻塞、冠狀動脈心臟病、肱臂的透析通路……,治療的適應症依臨床症狀的嚴重程度分為兩類。Dr. Veera Suwanruangsri 也將分享自己在處理竊血症候群的SOP流程。 Dr. Veera Suwanruangsri's course mainly shares the clinical use of vascular intervention to improve steal syndrome and the main risk factors of steal syndrome: diabetes, lower extremity artery disease, coronary heart disease, the dialysis access of the brachial arm...... The indications for treatment are divided into two categories according to the severity of clinical symptoms. Dr. Veera Suwanruangsri will also share his SOP of treatment steal syndrome. -- ✅讓我們一起來看看 Dr.Veera Suwanruangsri 當天精彩演講片段 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60d86I8SyMU
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作者TAVAH 封存檔
十二月 2024
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