COVID-2019(新型冠狀病毒)疫情肆虐,對於需要透析患者及照顧醫護人員更是一大威脅與挑戰,因此我們特別邀請在疫情初期受疫情肆虐嚴重的中國武漢地區-武漢同濟醫院腎臟內科醫師醫師,分享他們所面對的情況,以提供世界各國的透析團隊參考。 The outbreak of COVID-2019 is an enormous threat and challenge for patients who need dialysis and the healthcare professionals. Therefore, we specially invited the nephrologists of Wuhan Tongji Hospital in Wuhan, China, which was seriously affected at the beginning of the outbreak. To share their experience and provide a reference for the dialysis team in various countries in the world. 英文題目:COVID-2019 dialysis access management in Wuhan hospital 中文題目:武漢醫院在新型冠狀病毒期間對透析通路處置 ![]() 講者介紹: 姓 名:何凡 國 籍:中國 科 別:腎臟內科 醫 院:武漢同濟醫院 臨床專長:原發性及繼發性腎小球疾病、泌尿系感染、急慢性腎衰竭、血液透析 經 歷:武漢同濟醫院腎臟內科副主任醫師、武漢醫師協會腎病醫師分會委員、 《臨床腎臟病雜誌》青年编委 Name: Fan He Country: China Medical Category: Division of Nephrology, Department of Internal Medicine Hospital: Tongji Hospital, China Clinical specialty: CVD Complications of CKD, Hemodialysis Vascular Access Experience: Associate Professor and Vice Director of Division of Nephrology, Tongji hospital, Member of the Nephrologists Branch of Wuhan Medical Association, Youth editorial board of the Journal of Clinical Nephrology 內容: 首先何凡醫師介紹在湖南省及武漢市的COVID-2019(新型冠狀病毒)盛行情形,接著談到在血透中心大約6000多的病患中,有8%的疑似感染病患及1.7%的確診病患,敘述武漢同濟醫院在這段流行期間血透通路的治療內容,並分享他們針對無感染病患、疑似感染病患、確定感染病患所擬定的一套處理SOP流程,以供大家參考及交流。 Content: First, Dr. Fan He introduced the prevalence of COVID-2019 in Hunan Province and Wuhan City. Next, he talked about 8% of the suspected infection patients and 1.7% of the confirmed infection patients in about 6,000 patients in the HD center. He described the treatment of the dialysis access of Wuhan Tongji Hospital during this epidemic period and shared their SOP for uninfected patients, suspected infection patients, and confirmed infection patients for your reference and communication.
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作者TAVAH 封存檔
十二月 2024
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