牛頓說「如果說我看得比別人遠,那是因為我站在巨人的肩上。」,醫學的進步往往就是在吸收別人失敗經驗中成長,身為一個通路醫師球囊導管就是我們隨身武器,因此在通路處置過程中最大夢靨莫過於球囊破裂所產生的併發症,對此林口長庚醫院朱崧毓醫師將公開他的經驗及他在這件事學習到的結論 Newton said, “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants”. The progress of medicine is often the growth by absorbing the failure experience of others. As an access doctor, the balloon catheter is our portable weapons. Therefore, the biggest nightmare in access procedures is the complication caused by the rupture of the balloon. Dr. Sung-Yu Chu from Chang Gung Memorial Hospital will disclose his experience and the conclusions he learned in this matter to this. ![]() 通路處置中難忘的夢靨以及我從中學習的經驗談 Unforgettable nightmare in access procedures and what I learned from it 講者介紹 Speaker introduction 姓名:朱崧毓 國籍:台灣 科別:放射科醫師 臨床專長: 心臟血管影像診斷及介入治療、主動脈支架置放及週邊動脈血管成型術、血管內微創治療追蹤及併發症處理 經歷:林口長庚醫院 胃腸影像診療科主治醫師、中華民國放射線醫學會 專科醫師、台灣介入放射線學會 常務理事 Name: Sung-Yu, Chu Nationality: Taiwan Medical Category: Department of Medical Imaging and Intervention Clinical specialty: Cardiovascular imaging diagnosis and interventional therapy, Aortic stent placement and peripheral arterial angioplasty, Intravascular minimally invasive treatment tracking and management of complications Experience: Attending physician in Medical Imaging and Intervention Department, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taoyuan, Taiwan Specialist doctor of Radiological Society of the Republic of China Executive Director of Taiwan Society of Interventional Radiology 內容Content 一個看似平凡的氣球輔助成熟術(BAM),究竟發生了什麼事情,朱崧毓醫師先用術中影像帶大家回到案發現場,讓大家了解事情的發生及最後如何取出破裂球囊,分析幾個可能造成氣球破裂的風險, 以及經歷這件事情後所得到的體悟。 A seemingly ordinary balloon-assisted maturation (BAM) what had happened? Dr. Sung-Yu Chu first used the intraoperative images to bring you back to the crime scene, let everyone know what happened and how to finally take out the ruptured balloon. He also analyzed several risks that might cause the balloon to rupture, and what he learned after going through this thing.
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作者TAVAH 封存檔
十二月 2024
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